Sunday, November 28, 2010

, originally uploaded by fe.meow.

I'm quite fond of you, Melbourne.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

, originally uploaded by fe.meow.

I took this yesterday on the way home from work.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Shop Story #380.

I'm in the office doing the time sheets.

A woman comes in, let's call her the Drycleaning Lady, to pick a dress up. Ren serves her. She gets annoyed by the price ($17.50). She reacts by telling us that lots of posters in our shop are outdated. Ren gives her a polite brush off and then comes and tells me about the aforementioned exchange...
Me: Oh shut up, Drycleaning Lady.
Ren: She was just annoyed by the price. The dress was of a difficult material! (Ren knows about those kind of things)
Me: I don't like her.
Scott comes up to stand in the doorway.
Scott: Did you hear her?
Me: Yeah. I hate Drycleaning Lady.
Scott: Me too. She's smug.
Me: She's condescending!
Scott: She is!
Me: She's a smug condescending wh*re.

Scott bursts into peels of laughter and walks out of office. Ren asks him what's so funny. I overhear him saying the following:

Scott: Felicity just called that woman something that wasn't very ladylike.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Otters are better than crocodiles.

I am more afraid of crocodiles than the average person. Nobody likes crocodiles or wants one in their bath, but I can't swim in any body of water that looks 'crocodiley'

So it's quite happy-making that there are so many videos featuring otters telling crocodiles to eff off.

Please note the final scene in the above video where the otters say "YEAH, YOU BETTER RUN. DON'T COME BACK ROUND 'ERE, RIGHT?!"

I can't tell what's going on in this one. Are the otters trying to eat this alligator?

Otters are so much better than crocodiles.